All Advanced Lessons

  • There’s a lot more to alchemy than turning lead into gold. Alchemists are committed to not only the transformation of actual substances with elements but also the transformation of themselves. The same process that transforms base metals into higher metals can be used to transcend “leaden” souls into enlightened, “golden” souls.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Practical Alchemy:
    A Guide to the Great Work
    by Brian Cotnoir

    The Alchemist's Handbook:
    A Practical Manual
    by Frater Albertus

    Easton Press

  • Was the ancient legend of Atlantis real? We will be discussing the scholarly, scientific and magical perspectives!

    This conversation is focused around the story of Atlantis is found in Plato's work Timaeus and Critias.

    In this story, Plato writes of a wealthy, utopian society and gives information on the size of the continent, a brief history, and how the hubris of the Atlantean people brought their own destruction.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    by Plato

    by Plato

    Meet Me in Atlantis
    by Matt Adams

    by Edgar Cayce

  • Blood magick is highly misunderstood. This lesson will explain how blood if used and rituals and why. The symbology behind blood runs deep into our ancestry across all cultures.

    I will not be teaching you how to use blood specifically but I will teach you how to use alternatives.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Blood Magic
    African Spirituality Beliefs and Practices
    by Monique Joiner Siedlak

    Blood Magick
    by Seth Cardorra

    Of Blood and Bones:
    Working with Shadow Magick
    & the Dark Moon
    by Kate Freuler

  • In this lesson, we are learning about zodiac signs, colors, and planets and how we can connect these energies to the spell you are creating.

    Candle magick is taking your intention and creating a symbolic gesture (or spell) to the universe to create change on this plane.

    Candle magick is a kind of alchemy, where all elements are represented — Fire of the flame, Air to feed it, melted wax for Water, and solid wax for Earth.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Advanced Candle Magick:
    More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose
    by Raymond Buckland

    The Big Book of Candle Magic
    by Jacki Smith

    The Book of Candle Magic:
    Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life
    by Madame Pamita

  • Learn how to do candle magick with multiple candles.

    In this lesson, we will be discussing the different types of layouts and symbols in candle spells. How to use direction with your candles and more.

  • This is a brief introduction to what is a very complicated interdisciplinary subject. The study of religion as a general human phenomenon involves a comparison of all religions in an attempt to discern commonalities, general patterns, and associations with cultural and ecological features.

    Comparative religion is an interdisciplinary approach that utilizes the methods and insights of a number of social science disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology, sociology, history, psychology, geography, and philosophy.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Religious Worlds
    The Comparative Study of Religion
    By William E. Paden

    Comparative Religion
    By Eric J. Sharpe

    Religion, Law and Tradition Comparative Studies in Religious Law
    By Andrew Huxley

  • Learning to work and communicate with deities or gods is going to be unique to every person. This is when we start experiencing personal gnosis!

    It can be confusing and difficult to trust yourself and your magick.

    You are always welcome to reach out to me or any of the Mystery School staff if you need help.

    “Deity work” is a term that describes the act of forming relationships with spirits and deities. These are terms often (but not exclusively) used in pagan and polytheistic communities.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Invoke the Goddess:
    Connecting to the Hindu, Greek & Egyptian Deities
    by Kala Trobe

    Priestess of The Morrigan:
    Prayers, Rituals & Devotional Work to the Great Queen
    by Stephanie Woodfield

    Keys to the Crossroads
    by Sorita d'Este

  • Learning about the alchemical process can be a little overwhelming! Learning how to refine your soul requires learning about symbology and history. Thankfully, when we work with a deity or a higher ranking entity they know the process and will guide you through it.

    The most important part of this process is COMMUNICATION! Sometimes you may or may not receive instructions, but at least you will have a handle on what is going on.
    “Deity work” is a term that describes the act of forming relationships with spirits and deities. These are terms often (but not exclusively) used in pagan and polytheistic communities.

    Healthy deity relationships involve: Consent Clear Communication Mutual understanding Respect for boundaries

    While unhealthy relationships involve: Control tactics nonconsensual actions

    Fear tactics: Intimidation and Threats Manipulative behavior

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Deity Linkage Manual
    How to Find Your Gods & Goddesses Using Numerology
    By S. Ali Myers

    Wicca Magical Deities
    A Guide to the Wiccan God and Goddess, and Choosing a Deity to Work Magic With
    By Lisa Chamberlain

  • “Deity work” is a term that describes the act of forming relationships with spirits and deities. These are terms often (but not exclusively) used in pagan and polytheistic communities.

    Please note that most of what I discuss in this video is unverified personal gnosis that I have obtained from my own personal workings with Deities and high-ranking spirits, and the lessons I have learned from talking to other advanced practitioners.

  • These principles appeared in the 20th century in a book called The Kybalion written by The Three Initiates. These Seven principles are a modern synthesis of ancient writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    The Kybalion
    by Three Initiates

    The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Tabula Smaragdina
    by Trismegistus

  • The Latin verb invocare means “to call on, invoke, to give.”

    There are many ways to look at invoking it can be a prayer or possession through self-identification with a spirit. Although seemingly simple is advanced workings.

    Invoking to summon the presence of (name of force or spirit) to come forth and move within you either to serve you to awaken the secret forces of light, life, and nature within you.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    The Goddess Path:
    Myths, Invocations, and Rituals
    by Patricia Monagha

    To Bless the Space Between Us:
    A Collection of Invocations and Blessings
    by John O'Donohue

  • The kitchen of a witch is a thing to behold—a sacred space where good health, abundance, luck, and love can be conjured.

    Turn your kitchen into a pagan power center using herbs, crystals, and spells for health, wealth, love, and happiness.

    Are you seeking more contentment in your daily life? Could you use more money to improve home and hearth?

    This lesson may seem like it's "easy" but it is very intensive. Much like Ritual & Spell Construction, we are talking about correspondences and how to make a spell out of ingredients.

    This lesson also includes the most asked questions I get about Kitchen Witchery:

    Do I need to be a vegan or vegetarian to be spiritual?

    Do I need to be sober to be spiritual?

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    The Book of Kitchen Witchery:
    Spells, recipes, and rituals for magical meals, an enchanted garden, and a happy home
    by Cerridwen Greenleaf

    Kitchen Witch:
    Food, Folklore & Fairy Tale
    by Sarah Robinson

    Kitchen Witchery:
    Unlocking the Magick in Everyday Ingredients
    by Laurel Woodward

  • Love Magic can be learning to love yourself or stoking the flames or a current relationship.

    Love magick done on a person without their consent is unethical.

    This lesson reveals how to make the intentions properly, what herbs and crystals will work best for you depending on your spell.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    The Modern Witchcraft Book of Love Spells:
    Your Complete Guide to Attracting Passion, Love, and Romance
    by Skye Alexander

    Love Magick:
    Spells for Amour Hardcover
    by Cassandra Eason

  • A lucid dream is a type of dream in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming while dreaming.

    During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, or environment; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as lucid.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Llewellyn's Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming:
    A Comprehensive Guide to Promote Creativity, Overcome Sleep Disturbances & Enhance Health and Wellness
    by Clare R. Johnson

    A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming:
    Mastering the Art of Oneironautics
    by Dylan Tuccillo

    Llewellyn's Complete Dictionary of Dreams:
    Over 1,000 Dream Symbols and Their Universal Meanings
    by Dr. Michael Lennox

  • Yoga anatomy and physiology are clear and accurate to those who systematically study and practice the science of yoga.

    The ancient manuals of yoga anatomy, for instance, describe a network of several thousand nadis (subtle channels) through which the currents of prana flow, energizing and sustaining all parts of the body as well as the several thousand nadis.

  • The media uses the Occult often in music videos, movies and song lyrics.

    This video is looking at some major pop culture icons and the occult, such as the Ouija board.

    We also get into philosophical discussions about the use of magick in films and TV, when does it become too real

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Lucifer Ascending:
    The Occult in Folklore and Popular Culture
    By Bill Ellis

    The Unseen Forces That Drive Culture
    by Carl Abrahamsson

  • Poppets are the uses of Dolls or effigies in sympathetic Magic.

    Sympathetic magical is a ritual using objects or actions resembling or symbolically associated with the event or person over which influence is sought.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Pagan Portals - Poppets and Magical Dolls:
    Dolls for Spellwork, Witchcraft and Seasonal Celebrations
    by Lucya Starza

    Container Magic
    Spellcraft Using Sachets, Bottles, Poppets and Jars
    By Charity L. Bedell

  • How does ritual transform our minds and souls?

    A ritual is defined by Manly P. Hall as a combination of sacred drama, art, music/chanting, great symbols, and strengthened by repetition.

    A sacred drama opens up to our emotions and allows us to reach into the deepest part of our subconscious inducing a moment of reflection that the conscious mind will digest later.

    In this lesson, you will learn about the ritual of the Abduction of Persephone, one of the hidden rituals that Plato and Aristotle experiences.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Visions and Metaphysics
    by Manly P. Hall

    Plato the Initiate
    by Manly P. Hall

    The Psychology of Ritual
    by Manly P. Hall

    Evaluating ritual efficacy:
    Evidence from the supernatural
    by Cristine H. Legare, André L. Souza (The University of Texas at Austin)

  • Learn how to craft your own ritual! this is an advanced subject but also a creative one.

    This Zoom Class goes into concepts of correspondences and attributes of Planets and Zodiac signs.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Rituals for Magic
    and Meaning Create Your Own Spiritual Ceremonies
    By Cerridwen Greenleaf

    Apps Mentioned 📱

    Hours (iPhone & Android)

    Astro Future (iPhone)

    Astro Matrix (iPhone Andriod)

    The Moon (iPhone)

  • Sex magick is the use of energy raised during sexual activity in magical, ritualistic or spiritual pursuits.

    One practice of sex magic is using the orgasm with visualization of a desired result (a manifesting technique).

    A premise posited by sex magicians is the concept that sexual energy is a potent force that can be harnessed to transcend one's normally perceived reality.

    This is a lesson on how to perform sexual magick both monofocal (single) and duofocal (couple) as a manifesting technique.

    This lesson does include adult conversations about nudity, sex, and other adult content, please watch with care.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Modern Sex Magick:
    Secrets of Erotic Spirituality
    by Donald Michael Kraig

    Sexual Secrets
    by Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger

  • Sex magick is the use of energy raised during sexual activity in magical, ritualistic, or spiritual pursuits.

    A premise posited by sex magicians is the concept that sexual energy is a potent force that can be harnessed to transcend one's normally perceived reality.

    This is a lesson on how to perform sexual magick for the purpose of liberation

    This lesson does include adult conversations about nudity, sex, and other adult content, please watch with care.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Modern Sex Magick:
    Secrets of Erotic Spirituality
    by Donald Michael Kraig

    Sexual Secrets
    by Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger

  • When working in advanced magick we must understand ourselves and balancing out emotions and mind is essential to being an experienced witch.

    Shadow work helps us become self-reflective, balancing out the light and dark with us. This work helps us become the highest vibration we can be.

    Traditional Shadow work is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on the “shadow self,” which is the parts of the psyche that people often keep hidden.

    The psychoanalyst Carl Jung first developed the concept. Jung used the term “shadow self” to describe the things people repress or do not like to acknowledge. He theorized that it is a counterweight to the persona, which is the self that people present to others. The goal of shadow work is to assimilate the shadow and the persona so that a person can learn how to manage impulses they usually ignore, such as anger or greed.

    Jung also believed that the collective unconscious influences the shadow. The collective unconscious is a Jungian idea that refers to the collective memories and impulses of society as a whole.

    As a result, systemic issues such as racism also fit into Jung’s idea of what the shadow self comprises.

    Just as shadow work might help a person confront the parts of their personality that they usually avoid, Jung thought it might allow them to address prejudices and impulses resulting from broader social ills.

    Beginners may find it beneficial to seek advice from a trained practitioner — either a Jungian psychoanalyst or someone practicing a more contemporary version of shadow work. However, it may be difficult to find a specialist, as the practice is uncommon.

    I offer some beginning prompts on shadow work in the video. For more long term work, spend 1 week once a day writing down an experience, regret or, hateful thought about yourself. The next week go back and write how this experience changed you and formed you into a stronger person. For every negative thought, you wrote about yourself write two positive ones.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    The Undiscovered Self
    by Carl Jung

    Shadow Work Prompts Journal and Workbook for Beginners
    by Meadow Belle

  • Have you ever had trouble finding the right spell? Have you ever found a spell that suits your purpose, but couldn't carry it out because of impossible instructions or hard-to-find ingredients? Have you ever wanted to put more power behind the spells you cast?

    It’s time to write your own spell!

    This is where we combine all of our occult knowledge we have been learning for the last year and combining it into your very own spell.

    Writing your own spells is completely valid and more effective than a store bought one because it meets your unique needs.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    How to Write Your Own Spells
    for Any Purpose and Make Them Work
    by Sophia diGregorio

  • This falls into the “new age” category and has been seen as controversial.

    The concept of starseeds comes from Theosophy. Starseeds are spiritually advanced people with strong psychic abilities sent to help the earth heal, grow, and change.

    This lesson offers a look at who starseeds are and where they come from, as well as their innate skills and spiritual sensitivities.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds
    By Whitney Jefferson Evans

    Letters to a Starseed
    Messages and Activations for Remembering Who You Are and Why You Came Here
    By Rebecca Campbell

  • The tarot cards tell a story. The story of You!

    This journey is best defined by Joseph Campbell's Monomyth (The Hero's Journey) and Archetypes.

    It is a story that has been told for centuries and can be found in many different cultures. The archetypes of tarot cards are also a way to help people learn about themselves and the world around them.

    Joseph Campbell's Monomyth Journey tells us about what it means to be human and how we should live our lives through stories of heroes who have faced difficult challenges in order to become successful.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    A Hero with a Thousand Faces
    by Joseph Campbell

    The Power of Myth
    by Joseph Campbell

    The Magic of Tarot
    by Sasha Graham

  • Learning the secrets of Tarot Symbology is going to up your tarot readings to a whole new level. Learning these secrets really helped me become the reader I am today. You will be surprised at how intuitive this symbology really is.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    The Tarot
    History, Symbolism, and Divination
    By Robert Place
    Tarot Deciphered

    Decoding Esoteric Symbolism in Modern Tarot
    By T. Susan Chang & M. M. Meleen

  • The Tarot cards with titles: Page, Knight, Queen, and King, represent different cycles of life, maturity, age, and wisdom.

    These character can be parts of ourselves or other people in our lives depending on the question.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    The Magic of Tarot:
    Your Guide to Intuitive Readings, Rituals, and Spells
    by Sasha Graham

    The Big Book of Tarot:
    How to Interpret the Cards and Work with Tarot Spreads for Personal Growth
    by Joan Bunning

  • The Tarot cards with titles: Page, Knight, Queen, and King, represent different cycles of life, maturity, age, and wisdom.

    These character can be parts of ourselves or other people in our lives depending on the question.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    The Magic of Tarot:
    Your Guide to Intuitive Readings, Rituals, and Spells
    by Sasha Graham

    The Big Book of Tarot:
    How to Interpret the Cards and Work with Tarot Spreads for Personal Growth
    by Joan Bunning

  • How does magick work?

    This class is an intellectual approach to the basics of how the magick system works. We will be discussing the work of Donald Michael Kraig called “Theorems of Magick.”

    These are statements to understand how magick works and what functions are necessary for a successful spell.

    It is considered to be a modern-day classic on basics for ceremonial magick, as well as magickal theory.

    📖 Reading Recommendations 📖

    Modern Magick
    by Donald Michael Kraig


Advanced Zoom Class Archive