Seekers of the Occult
Advanced Protection
Warding protects you from negative entities or psychic attacks. This is especially important if you are empathic or open to spirit. You will discover ways to protect yourself, your family, and your things. It is essential knowledge for protecting yourself.
📖 Reading Recommendations 📖
Protection Spells
Clear Negative Energy, Banish Unhealthy Influences, and Embrace Your Power
By Arin Murphy-HiscockProtection & Reversal Magick
A Witch's Defense Manual
By Jason MillerShielding & Warding
Psychic Protection
by Keridak Silk -
Spiritual attacks can happen to us for all kinds of reasons, learning how to defend and protect yourself is paramount.
In this lesson I will be discussing the four types of spiritual attacks and how to recognize them.
Law of Three -Truth-
An early incarnation of the Rule of Three appeared in Gerald Gardner's novel, High Magic's Aid, in the form of "Mark well, when thou receivest good, so equally art bound to return good threefold."
It later appeared as a poem published in a magazine back in 1975. Later this evolved into the notion among new witches that there is a spiritual law in effect that everything you do comes back to you.
📖 Reading Recommendations 📖
Practical Protection Magick
Guarding & Reclaiming Your Power
By Ellen Dugan -
While most magical attacks are usually just a case of paranoid anxiety, sometimes a negative person can really hook their bad attitude onto you.
If someone is really giving you bad vibes—a jilted ex or a power-tripping boss, for example—then magic circles and smudging may not be enough to keep their onslaught of negativity at bay. And if you really are being cursed by someone who knows what they’re doing, then you may need to step up your game.
📖 Reading Recommendations 📖
Protection & Reversal Magick
A Witch's Defense Manual
By Jason MillerShielding & Warding
Psychic Protection
by Keridak Silk