• Abundance is more of a mindset, a feeling, or a way to live. Events that you celebrate, people that make you happy, or things that make you feel free are simultaneous with abundance. When working toward a more abundant life, we need to focus on the feeling we want to achieve - that feeling of plentifulness.

    This ritual is herb magick (earth magick). The purpose of this ritual is to bring happiness, peace, and prosperity to your life.

  • The phrase "apple of my eye" refers in English to something or someone one cherishes above all others. The apple has long been used in spells of love. The blossoms are added to love sachets, brews, and incense.

    This spell can be done on yourself or a current partner to strengthen love. You can cast this spell on someone without their consent, which gets into ethical issues but do as you wish.

  • Protective and healing rituals are an ancient practice used since the earliest recorded history. The use of protective and healing rituals can be traced back to the Paleolithic era, as evidenced by cave paintings from the Lascaux caves in France. These paintings depict people performing a ritualistic dance with their hands raised up to the sky, which was believed to bring about rain.

    In modern times, protective and healing rituals are still used for various purposes. This ritual is cleansing and banishing ritual to do in the shower.

  • Everyone wants to become their best version, but few do it. We’re our worst enemies when it comes to achieving success, chasing our dreams, and living a life filled with passion and purpose.

    Some of us are self-destructive without realizing it, and others are conscious of the fact but lack the tools and/or knowledge to improve.

    This ritual is created to help you become the best version of yourself by calling in the four elements of Earth. It is a very simple ritual; remember, magic does not always need to be complicated.

  • This ritual is a combination of luck magick and kitchen magick.

    The purpose of this ritual is to bring happiness, peace, and prosperity to your home during challenging times.

  • When we try to break a bad habit we create dissonance, and the brain doesn’t like that, says Dr. Luana Marques, associate professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School.

    The limbic system in the brain activates the fight-flight-or-freeze responses, and our reaction is to avoid this "threat" and go back to the old behavior, even though we know it’s not good for us.

    Often, habits that don’t benefit us still feel good since the brain releases dopamine. It does this with anything that helps us as a species to survive. Avoiding change qualifies as survival, and we get rewarded (albeit temporarily), so we keep reverting every time. "

    This ritual is created to help you release any negative habits you have. It can be anything from smoking and gossiping to biting your nails.

  • This ritual is created to help bring abundant resources into your life. This spell will help you turn the corner financially.

  • This ritual will teach you how to create a protection bag for your car. So you can travel safely always.

  • Have you ever noticed that it is often easier to focus on the negative than finding the positive?

    Managing the negativity, you allow into your life isn’t just a matter of the people around you. Think about the content you are consuming and the messaging you are allowing to subconsciously program your mind daily.

    This is the perfect time to refocus our understanding of the lessons we have learned & to align ourselves with new lessons.

  • Magick has many uses, one of them being to help influence the change of events in the world. In this ritual, we will call upon the Archangel, Michael, to help light a fire on the issues of HOMELESSNESS. The issue of homelessness is worldwide and affects people of every race, gender, and sexuality, especially during the pandemic.

    This spell is to help remove apathy from the collective consciousness of humanity. There are several reasons this apathy is in place; one is the unhealthy synthesis of capitalism and morality. Poor people must be inherently “bad.” They didn’t “earn” a good life because they didn’t try hard enough. Homelessness is a multifaceted and complicated subject that often stems from a broken systemic, domestic violence/abuse, an uncaring government, and mental illness.

    I want to make it very clear, DO NOT USE ON POLITICIANS. The political energy circuit is polluted, grimy, and overall very manipulative. It is much more effective to work with issues and situations around politicians than the politicians themselves.

  • We never fully grow up. At least not in the way we’d like to believe. There is an eternal child that always has something to feel or say within us. The question is, is that voice being heard?

    This is a ritual for self-reflection. In this healing ritual, we will visit our inner child to learn what they need to improve our current lives.

  • Attuning to subtle energies and communicating beyond the veil are practices that require us to hone our energetic mastery and be deeply grounded in our core. From this place, we can move from a heart-centered consciousness into divine connection and nonduality with protection and discernment.

    This ritual will help you reconnect with a dead loved one and help them send you messages.

  • Cord cutting is a way of releasing emotional attachments with someone or something. It’s done by cutting a cord (of memory, energetic ties, or emotions) that ties you to the person or thing. It’s a way of releasing negative emotions towards an event in your past.

    This ritual can be used to remove the relationship between two people, or it can be used to end relationships that have been toxic or abusive.

  • “Every man and every woman is a star.” ― Aleister Crowley.

    Our focus is almost always on anything and anyone but ourselves. For so many of us, it’s a constant effort to please others or be who we think we must be to get the love, respect, or appreciation we are after.

    This ritual will help you reconnect with the deepest parts of yourself and reinvigorate you by setting your soul on fire. Find your purpose. Find your voice! Discover how to meet your needs.

  • Forgiveness is a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they deserve your forgiveness.

    Many people struggle with forgiveness because they think forgiveness makes what the other party did “okay” or “acceptable.” To be clear, forgiveness does not mean you gloss over or deny the seriousness of an offense against you. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting.

    Forgiveness brings the forgiveness peace of mind and frees them of their corrosive, destructive anger. If held on to for long periods, anger can cause great pain.

  • We all know that feeling of being stressed and anxious. It can be hard to focus on anything else other than the stressful thoughts going through your head. Grounding is a simple but critical part of our natural health routine. It is easy to forget to take care of ourselves when we are constantly busy working, taking care of our families, or taking care of other responsibilities.

    Grounding is the act of connecting with the earth. It’s a way of re-establishing your connection to the natural world and your physical body. Grounding is a simple ritual that can be done anywhere, anytime.

    Some people find grounding themselves by using grounding techniques such as mindfulness and meditation. Other people find grounding by connecting with nature and the environment around them.

  • Wellness is an inside job. Be your own healer under the moonlight, and find your inner warrior.

    This a healing ritual and experience the release of emotions, empowerment, and wonder that comes from doing something to nourish your body, mind, and soul. In the darkness, that which is elusive can be found - within you. This ritual will provide an opportunity for reflection and understanding of one's self.

  • Lion’s Gate refers to the annual alignment between Sol in Leo and Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. Ancient Egyptians venerated Sirius as the personification of the agricultural goddess Sopdet and associated with the flooding of the Nile River.

    Sopdet is the personified deity of the 'dog star Sirius. This star was the most important of the stars to the ancient Egyptians, and the star's heliacal rising came at the time of inundation (flooding on the Nile) and the start of the Egyptian New Year. She is the Goddess of inundation (constant flooding), a goddess of fertility, and will assist us in bringing our manifestations to fruition.

  • The Fall Equinox initiates the fruitful season of autumn.

    The Equinox also marks a moment of the perfect balance between darkness and light, when the daytime and nighttime meet equally before days begin to shorten with winter’s approach. This shift offers us a wonderful opportunity to pursue balance for ourselves, to take stock of the different areas of our lives, and work towards aligning them.

    It is a time to be thankful for a summer harvest and prepare for the coming winter.

  • A witch bottle is a counter-magical item used as protection against witchcraft. They are described in historical sources in England and the United States. The earliest surviving mention of a witch bottle is from 17th-century England.

    This jar is a fiery little tool to keep at your doorstep to capture and reflect all negative energy, intentional hexes, or curses sent your way! This is my recipe that has worked well for two years. This jar is intended for long-term use!

  • During Mercury Retrograde, the planet appears to spin backward. It’s just an optical illusion that we see here on Earth - Mercury has a much shorter orbit than Earth, so three or four times a year, the planet speeds past us, leaving behind a strong “wind” that shakes up our lives. Mercury governs technology and travel communication – controlling how we transmit and receive messages from others. Many people buy into the much that retrogrades are here to wreck our lives and punish us. *This is a fear tactic.*

    While yes, it is true that things do go wrong. This ritual can prevent it and find graceful ways to handle mishaps.

  • This ritual teaches you how to create a protection bag made of fire. You can keep this in your purse, backpack or in your house.

  • This ritual will teach you how to create a psychic 'electric fence' around your home to protect from any physical or spiritual attacks.

    The foundation of this ritual originates from Cassandra Eason’s 1001 book of spells. The Priestess has added her own embellishments to enhance this ritual for our students.

  • Acceptance is the first step to Self Love! This spell was written just for that purpose. Learn how to accept who you are through this beautiful self-reflective ritual.

    To become more self-accepting; we must start by telling ourselves that given all of our negatively biased self-referencing beliefs, we've done the best we possibly co

    With self-acceptance, we're just affirming who we are, with whatever strengths and weaknesses we possess.

  • Only perform this ritual during the moon's full, dark, or waning phases.
    This ritual is not a hex. This is a protective ritual. We are not binding anyone to our will. We are demanding the right to be left alone. The Goddess Lilith is sympathetic to your cause.

    You will be calling upon the dark goddess into your space. It is very important to put a space of protection up around your workspace to ensure your safety. Lilith will not stay in your space after the ritual has been completed and you close your sacred space.

  • Sometimes we cannot always see who or what is working against us. Thankfully our guides or deities do. This ritual is designed to quietly remove people who are not serving your highest good.

    The results of this ritual may be painful. Discovering who has malicious intentions against us can leave a sense of betrayal.

  • This ritual will help you awaken the aspects of the Star tarot card in YOU.

    As The Star follows The Tower card in Tarot, it comes as a welcome reprieve after a period of destruction and turmoil. This ritual is created to help you find or rediscover a sense of meaning, inspiration, or purpose in your life.

    You are making some significant changes in your life, transforming yourself from the old you to the new you and, in doing so, you are bringing about a fresh perspective:

  • The purpose of this ritual is to bring extra “fuel” or positive energy to support something you have already started with the intention this can be a spell or a project on the physical plane (such as an interview, a book, buying a new home, or anything you are creating).

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