What is Scrying?
Pythian Mystery School Pythian Mystery School

What is Scrying?

Curious about scrying for beginners? Learn the scrying methods and techniques that unlock your ability to see beyond the physical world. From scrying with water to scrying with fire or using a scrying crystal, this ancient practice allows you to tap into your intuition and receive powerful visions. Discover the meaning of scrying, how to start as a beginner, and explore the different tools and surfaces that help bring clarity to your inner sight. Start your journey into scrying today and learn to master this ancient art of divination.

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Is Intuition Real?
Pythian Mystery School Pythian Mystery School

Is Intuition Real?

You can understand the mystery of intuition and how it connects us to the spiritual realm. This post explores practical ways to strengthen intuition through meditation, divination tools, and more. Become a member of the Intuitive Development Society at Pythian Mystery School to fulfill your psychic potential.

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Blue Lotus is more than a plant to get you “high”….
Pythian Mystery School Pythian Mystery School

Blue Lotus is more than a plant to get you “high”….

Discover the sacred power of the blue lotus and its connection to the goddess Isis (Auset) in this in-depth blog post. Learn how the blue lotus flower symbolizes rebirth and healing in ancient Egyptian mythology and its association with Isis, the goddess of magic and resurrection. Explore how the Blue Lotus Coven helps you connect with Isis's energy, heal mother wounds, and experience spiritual transformation. If you're curious about the meaning of the blue lotus and its divine connection to Isis, this is the spiritual journey you’ve been waiting for.

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